Worshipful Brother Peter Duynstee extends fraternal greetings
and welcomes you to our website.

Lodge Arawhaiti strives to be a relevant & a respected organisation; maintaining the Masonic traditions of fellowship with like minded men of integrity.

To achieve its mission, Lodge Arawhaiti will set goals and targets to meet the needs of its members, whilst being mindful of the expectations of modern society.
Lodge Arawhaiti maintains a strong focus on its charitable work.

Located at the Auckland Freemasons Centre in Central Auckland; Lodge Arawhaiti is one of 200 Masonic Lodges operating throughout New Zealand under its Masonic Lodge Charter from 'New Zealand Freemasons Grand Lodge'. Its members come from all over Auckland and from many different walks of life, backgrounds, professions, and age groups. Membership attracts and appeals to individuals being as young as in their early 20s; with others being considerably more senior.

The Lodge meets on the First Wednesday of every month at 181 Khyber Pass Road - This modern and newly refurbished Central Auckland Masonic Temple provides the perfect setting for Ancient Masonic rituals in a modern and 'purpose made' environment.

Masonic visitors are always welcome and should make contact to confirm credentials and attendance information.

Individuals wishing to find out more about Lodge Arawhaiti and Freemasonry in general OR wishing to be considered for membership should contact the Membership Officer or click on 'THIS LINK' to send an email.

© copyright 2007 Lodge Arawhaiti
181 Khyber Pass Road Grafton Auckland 1023
For website queries contact: webmaster@arawhaiti.org.nz